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FasTrak Project
Mission Statement: Internship
I hope to learn a great deal about the film industry during this job shadow and to narrow down whether I would like to work in this industry when I get older. I intend to help as much as possible and give my input at the appropriate times. Additionally, I hope to have a lot of fun, spending time on set and trying to understand how the business side of the film industry works.
Some Takeaways
I learned many things from my job shadow with Michael Miller. However, a couple major things stand above the rest.
I now understand that in the film industry you must start at the very bottom before you can reach the top. Also, to
work as a Executive Producer of a well-known T.V. show, you have to "keep your cool" even when things get difficult.
I nearly doubled the number of internship hours that were required of me and I am glad I did. My mentor, Michael Miller, gave me the full experience. The first day consisted of business meetings, phone calls, emails, budgeting, and organizing. The second day of my internship was a shoot day, meaning that I got to experience, first hand, what shooting a television episode from behind the scenes is really like. Let me just say that if you thought an episode on T.V. seems to come from another planet, then you would be amazed to see what happens behind all of that.
Main FasTrak Page Assignments
FasTrak Letter of Introduction
This was a letter that the judges will read to get a quick idea of what I did for my internship/job shadow.
FasTrak Activity Log
This was an account of all the times I worked on the CIBACS FasTrak Project.
FasTrak QC Number One
My Junior class and I were instructed to evaluate two other people's projects and this is the first one.
FasTrak QC Number Two
My Junior class and I were instructed to evaluate two other people's projects and this is the second one.
FasTrak Rehearsal Video
I had to have someone record my presentation so that my instructors could see that I was practicing for presentation day.
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